
MaccaBeatles Medley


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Iconic. Most influential band of all time. Cultural phenomenon. Musical legends.


These are just some phrases we hope will one day be used to describe the Maccabeats. But for now, we pay tribute to one of the greatest acts in Western Music with our signature Maccabeats twist. Ladies and gentlemen…the MaccaBeatles!

Many Beatles songs have enjoyed second lives in other languages, and the Maccabeats are the latest in a long line of artists to draw inspiration from the Fab Four.

The Beatles themselves recorded their classic “I Want to Hold Your Hand” in German as “Komm gib mir deine Hand,” which we then adapted into the similar Yiddish. Similarly, noted Israeli singer-songwriters Arik Einstein and Ran Eliran recorded a Hebrew version of “Yesterday,” performed as “Rak Etmol.” Finally, Naomi Shemer originally fashioned her classic Lu Yehi to the tune of “Let It Be” before later composing an original melody.

Maccabeats on Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/maccabeats/367163195

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