the maccabeats
Looking to book the Maccabeats? Want to ask them a question or come to your community next? Shoot them an email, you’ll hear back before you can flip a latke.
Book the group now!Our newest video celebrates a different kind of holiday than usual, but one that’s more important now than ever.
READ MOREYou knew we love to sing, but did you know we could also cook? We combine our passions for Jewish food and Jewish pop-parody music in this year’s Hanukkah offering, “Latke Recipe.”
READ MOREAs the holiday that first launched us into the public spotlight, Hanukkah has always had a special place in our hearts. Each year, we’ve celebrated with our fans by touring and releasing a Hanukkah video. And that will all happen again this year.
READ MOREOne year ago, communities around the world came together for an innovative and singular initiative: the Shabbos Project.
READ MOREOver the past few years, we’ve had the unique opportunity to meet all sorts of interesting Jewish folks in all sorts of interesting places. And in each new city we’ve visited, we’ve been welcomed by a community that acts almost like an extended family. We can always count on a few fans who are happy to join us …
READ MOREMore than any traditional Jewish ritual, the Pesach (Passover) Seder emphasizes engaging the next generation. Children of all ages are encouraged to ask questions, suggest answers, and participate in a discussion of the Exodus story.
READ MORELooking to book the Maccabeats? Want to ask them a question or come to your community next? Shoot them an email, you’ll hear back before you can flip a latke.
Book the group now!The Maccabeats are excited to announce their new full length album " The Maccabeats Hanukkah". Purchase your copy today! Available NOW on iTunes.
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